3rd Party Apps

3rd Party App Risks: Gain Visibility, Take Control

Integrating SaaS applications with unvetted 3rd party apps creates security risks. Our SSPM solution provides SaaS-to-SaaS access discovery, revealing all connected apps and their permission levels. This transparency empowers you to identify potential threats, including malicious apps, and take control of your entire SaaS ecosystem.

Uncontrolled 3rd Party Apps: A Security Gap.

The increasing reliance on SaaS applications for business efficiency comes with a hidden cost: security vulnerabilities. Employees, focused on boosting productivity, may unknowingly connect unauthorized apps to the company's SaaS environment, creating a breeding ground for potential breaches.
Uncover Hidden Connections
Automatically identify all 3rd party apps connected to your core SaaS applications, ensuring complete visibility into your SaaS ecosystem.
Expose Stealthy Threats
Detects and investigates malicious apps that pose a risk of ransomware, data theft, or destruction. Our activity monitoring panel gathers forensics to help you neutralize these threats.
Prioritize Risky Access
Understand the risk associated with each connected app. We highlight those requesting high-risk permissions, such as editing, writing, or deleting content, or accessing sensitive data like email.
Eliminate Dormant Backdoors
Identify inactive apps with high-risk access that may serve as potential backdoors for attackers. Our solution helps you remove these dormant threats and tighten your security posture.